Definition of Market price

1. Noun. The price at which buyers and sellers trade the item in an open marketplace.

Exact synonyms: Market Value
Generic synonyms: Value

Definition of Market price

1. Noun. (economics) The price at which a product, financial instrument, service or other tradable item can be bought and sold at an open market; the going price. ¹

2. Noun. On restaurant menus, used to mean the price charged depends on the price of supplies, which may vary. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Market Price

market economy
market forces
market foreclosure
market foreclosures
market garden
market gardening
market gardens
market jitters
market keeper
market letter
market maker
market opening
market order
market orders
market penetration
market price
market prices
market research
market risk
market share
market square
market squares
market strategist
market town
market value
market values

Literary usage of Market price

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. OECD Economic Surveys by OECD Staff (2004)
"The wholesale market price. The generators' price plus capacity payments. The arrangements for capacity payments are still to be specified. ..."

2. Principles of political economy and taxation by David Ricardo (1919)
"The market price of labour is the price which is really paid for it, from the natural operation of the proportion of the supply to the demand; ..."

3. The Law of Contracts by Samuel Williston, Clarence Martin Lewis (1920)
"to prove the market price, or some other appropriate measure of damages, his recovery is only nominal.» ln many cases the plaintiff's damage may exceed the ..."

4. Principles of Economics: With Special Reference to American Conditions by Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman (1905)
"The point about which the market price oscillates is called the normal price, and sometimes, although less ..."

5. A Treatise on the Effect of the Contract of Sale on the Legal Rights of by Colin Blackburn Blackburn (1910)
"For example, if the market price falls after the date of the contract, that is a loss which by the contract/ must fall on the buyer in any case and cannot ..."

6. Principles of Marketing by Fred Emerson Clark (1922)
"CHAPTER XXI market price In the last chapter an attempt was made to summarize what may be called the long-time tendencies of market price. ..."

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